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Coggan, D. D., & Tong, F. (2023). Spikiness and animacy as potential organizing principles of human ventral visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex.

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Coggan, D. D., Watson, D. M., Wang, A., Brownbridge, R., Ellis, C., Jones, K., Kilroy, C., & Andrews, T. J. (2022). The representation of shape and texture in category‐selective regions of ventral‐temporal cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience, 56 (3), 1–14.

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Coggan, D. D., Giannakopoulou, A., Ali, S., Goz, B., Watson, D. M., Hartley, T., Baker, D. H., & Andrews, T. J. (2019). A data-driven approach to stimulus selection reveals an image-based representation of objects in high-level visual areas. Human Brain Mapping, 40 (16), 4716–4731.

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Coggan, D. D., Baker, D. H., & Andrews, T. J. (2019). Selectivity for mid-level properties of faces and places in the fusiform face area and parahippocampal place area. European Journal of Neuroscience, 49 (12), 1587–1596.

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Coggan, D. D., Allen, L. A., Farrar, O. R. H., Gouws, A. D., Morland, A. B., Baker, D. H., & Andrews, T. J. (2017). Differences in selectivity to natural images in early visual areas (V1-V3). Scientific Reports, 7 (2444), 1–8.

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Coggan, D. D., Liu, W., Baker, D. H., Andrews, T. J. (2016). Category-selective patterns of neural response in the ventral visual pathway in the absence of categorical information. NeuroImage, 135, 107–114.

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Coggan, D. D., Baker, D. H., & Andrews, T. J. (2016). The Role of Visual and Semantic Properties in the Emergence of Category-Specific Patterns of Neural Response in the Human Brain. ENeuro, 3 (August), ENEURO.0158-16.2016.

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Baker, D. H., Karapanagiotidis, T., Coggan, D. D., Wailes-Newson, K., & Smallwood, J. (2015). Brain networks underlying bistable perception. NeuroImage, 119, 229–234.

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